Our Distributors

The list of distributors can be filtered by business name and/or state(s). You can also sort by clicking on the titles.
Distributor Name Phone Address City/Suburb State Postcode
Fastener Specialists(NSW) Aust (FASALB) (02) 6023 5171 274 Townsend Street Albury NSW 2640
Alice Bolt Supplies (NORALI) (08) 8952 3155 31 Elder Street Alice Springs NT 0871
L H P Industrial Sales (LHPIND) (08) 9240 8944 5/6 Stretton Place Balcatta WA 6902
Ballarat Bolts & Fasteners (03) 5336 1288 1129 Latrobe Street Ballarat VIC 3350
BBF Industrial - Bathurst (BBFBAT) (02) 6331 6422 Unit 1/17 Upfold Street Bathurst NSW 2795
Waughs Industrial Supplies (WAUGHS) (03) 9720 1788 17 Malvern Street Bayswater VIC 3153
A & A Industrial Supplies (AAINDU) (03) 9762 9322 17 London Drive Bayswater VIC 3153
Bayswater Bolts (BAYSWA) (03) 9720 9955 6/200 Canterbury Road Bayswater North VIC 3153
Bolts & Fasteners Pty Ltd (BOLFAS) (03) 5441 4122 158 Lyttleton Terrace Bendigo VIC 3552
Normist Pty Ltd (NORDAR) (08) 8947 8400 643 Stuart Highway Berrimah NT 0820
NT Fasteners Pty Ltd (NTFAST) (08) 8947 7100 Lot 4920 College Road Berrimah NT 0828
Melbourne Bolt Company Pty Ltd (MOORAB) (03) 9580 0011 271 Boundary Road Braeside VIC 3195
Brisbane Fasteners & Eng Sup (BRIFAS (07) 3881 1144 246 Leitchs Road Brendale QLD 4500
Edcon Steel Pty Ltd (EDCONS) (02) 9939 1344 Unit 10 / 9-13 Winbounre Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
BRL Pty Ltd (BRLBRO) (02) 9939 7342 Unit 18, No 9 Powells Road Brookvale NSW 2100
Nuts & Bolts Tasmania (NUTBUR) (03) 6431 9400 35 Strahan Street Burnie TAS 7320
Colmark Industries (COLMAR) (08) 8280 6744 549A Waterloo CNR Road Burton SA 5110
Boltmasters Pty Ltd (BOLCAI) (07) 4035 5442 54 Hasell Street Cairns QLD 4870
K.J Bolt Trade Fasteners (KJBCAL) (07) 5438 9331 Unit 2 / 7 Daniel Street Caloundra QLD 4551
J. Blackwood & Son Limited (BLACOO) (07) 3275 7222 131 - 137 Mica Street Carole Park QLD 4300
Onsite Fastening Solutions (ONSITE) 1300 774 429 3/7 Indy Court Carrara QLD 4220
Bolts Galore (BOLCAR) (03) 9770 8400 7 Tova Drive Carrum Downs VIC 3201
Australian Riveting Supplies (AUSRIV) (03) 9708 2743 51 Lakewood Boulevard Carrum Downs VIC 3201
Metro Bolts (METROB) (03) 9429 3099 44 RENVER ROAD Clayton VIC 3168
CDA Eastland Trade Supplies P/L (CDACOF) (02) 6652 4022 173 Orlando Street Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Allfast Solutions Pty Ltd (ALLCOO) (07) 3277 7554 1/79 Musgrave Road Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Thomas Warburton Pty Ltd (WARCOO) (07) 3216 6866 2/9 Postle Street Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Economy Bolt Pty Ltd (ECOKEY) (03) 9793 3566 89A Cheltenham Road Dandenong VIC 3175
Dandybolts Pty Ltd (DANDYB) (03) 9791 1666 31 Frankston-Dandenong Road Dandenong VIC 3175
Economy Bolt Pty Ltd (ECODAN) (03) 9768 2599 2 Villas Road Dandenong South VIC 3175
Thomas Warburton Pty Ltd (WARDAN) (03) 9574 3400 481 Frankston Dandenong Road Dandenong South VIC 3175
Specialty Fasteners - Dubbo (SPEDUB) (02) 6882 6011 CNR Bourke & River St Dubbo NSW 2830
Towers Industrial Supplies (TOWENG) (02) 6800 2754 100 Erskine Street Dubbo NSW 2830
United Fasteners NSW Pty Ltd (UNIEAS) (02) 8316 6500 Unit C Eastern Creek NSW 2766
Boltmasters Pty Ltd Emerald (BOLEME) (07) 4982 2966 5 Daniels Street Emerald QLD 4720
United Fasteners - Epping (UNIEPP) (03) 9089 7300 70 Ricky Way Epping VIC 3076
Ferntree Gully Bolts (FERNTR) (03) 9756 0566 766 Burwood Highway Ferntree Gully VIC 3156
Keables Pty Ltd (KEABLE) (03) 9321 6400 11 Braid St Footscray VIC 3011
Haley's Steel & Hardware (HALEYS) (02) 6852 3466 12-14 Tobias Street Forbes NSW 2871
MD Steel ( MDSTEE) (02) 6851 4827 3 Merino Street Forbes NSW 2871
Specialty Fasteners Pty Ltd (SPEFYS) (02) 6280 7794 17 Cessnock Street Fyshwick ACT 2609
Boltmasters Pty Ltd (BOLTOW) (07) 4774 3107 715 Ingham Road Garbutt QLD 4814
K.J Bolts Trade Fasteners P/L (KJBGEE) (07) 3216 5588 Unit 12/388 Newman Road Geebung QLD 4034
National Nuts & Bolts (NATION) (03) 5222 1800 152 Fyans Street Geelong VIC 3220
United Fasteners QLD Pty Ltd (UNIGLA) (07) 4972 9414 17 Beckinsale Street Gladstone QLD 4680
PowAGroup Global (RAPIDF) (02) 4824 2000 25 Common Street Goulburn NSW 2580
J Blackwood & Son Ltd (BLASMI) (02) 9203 0111 1 Bellevue Circuit Greystanes NSW 2145
CDA Eastland Trade Supplies P/L (CDACON) (02) 4969 2066 38 Clyde Street Hamilton North NSW 2292
Select Fasteners (SELFAS) (02) 4020 7951 1 Archibald Place Heatherbrae NSW 2324
Australian Bolt Suppliers (ABSVIC) (03) 9459 9000 70 Dougharty Road Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Concept Fasteners (CONSYD) (02) 8107 9940 5 Liverpool Street Ingleburn NSW 2565
Thomas Parker Rare Spares (THOMAS) (03) 6331 1711 33 Holbrook Street Invermay TAS 7248
Normist Pty Ltd (NORKAT) (08) 8966 2059 84 Bicentennial Road KATHERINE NT 0850
All Fasteners (ALLKEI) (03) 9330 0555 78-84 Logistics Street Keilor Park VIC 3042
United Fasteners VIC Pty Ltd (UNIKEY) (03) 8549 9888 225 Atlantic Drive Keysborough VIC 3173
Southern Fasteners (SOUTHE) (02) 9542 3633 Unit 1-152 Garnet Road Kirrawee NSW 2227
Specialty Fasteners - Lakemba (SPELAK) (02) 9750 9444 82 Yerrick Road Lakemba NSW 2195
Specialty Fasteners - Lambton (SPELAM) (02) 4964 8077 30 Verulam Road Lambton NSW 2299
Southeast Fasteners Pty Ltd (STHFAS) (07) 3273 4400 71 Axis Place Larapinta QLD 4108
Nuts & Bolts Tasmania (NUTTAS) (03) 6331 6711 93 Elizabeth Street Launceston TAS 7250
Alltools Laverton (ALLLAV) (03) 9369 1228 Unit 4 - 227 Fitzgerald Street Laverton North VIC 3026
Wolfchester Australia (WOLFCH) (03) 9737 2800 4/122 Beresford Road Lilydale VIC 3140
Bolts N Bits (BOLBIT) (07) 3806 1117 Unit 6/4 Henry Street Loganholme QLD 4129
Sunstate Fasteners Pty Ltd (SUNSTA) (07) 3343 6077 Unit 1/18 Devlan Street Mansfield QLD 4122
Tower Fasteners Pty Ltd (TOWERF) (02) 9568 3633 Unit 1/48 Addison Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
RGA Fasteners (RGAFAS) (02) 9560 7266 159-163 Victoria Road Marrickville NSW 2204
United Fasteners Pty Ltd (UNIMEL) (08) 8311 2999 1 Marion Street Melrose Park SA 5039
The Building Connection (BUIMOL) (07) 5597 4959 Unit 2 / 3 Expansion Street Molendinar QLD 4215
Nuts & Bolts Tasmania (NUTHOB) (03) 6278 3333 101 Albert Road Moonah TAS 7250
Franbridge Distributors (FRANBR) (02) 9601 3300 Unit 1-78 Heathcote Road Moorebank NSW 1875
Boltmasters Pty Ltd (BOLBRI) (07) 3399 2488 457 Lytton Road Morningside QLD 4171
Industrial Fasteners Pty Ltd (INDUST) (02) 9534 6844 67 Barry Avenue Mortdale NSW 2223
Bolt & Nut Australia (BOLNUT) (07) 3192 9800 Unit 10 / 93 Rivergate Place Murarrie QLD 4172
Able Fix Fasteners 1300 225 334 71 Topham Road Narellan NSW 2567
Nerang Bolts & Nuts (NERANG) (07) 5596 5650 80 Spencer Road Nerang East QLD 4211
Newcastle Hi Tensile Bolt Co. (NEWCAS) (02) 4968 9101 3 Gipps Street Newcastle NSW 2300
K.J Bolts Trade Fasteners P/L (KJBOLT) (07) 5474 2744 46 Rene St Noosaville QLD 4566
Geelong Fasteners Pty Ltd (GEELON) (03) 5278 9888 Factory 8 Edols Place North Geelong VIC 3215
Gosford Bolts & Bearings ( GOSFOR) (02) 4325 4216 Unit 3/24-28 Glennie Street West North Gosford NSW 2250
C & N Trading (CNTRAD) (02) 4571 1944 7/5 Terrace Road North Richmond NSW 2754
BBF Industrial - Orange (BBFORA) (02) 6362 8899 7 Huntley Road Orange NSW 2800
United Fasteners QLD Pty Ltd (UNIMAC) (07) 4952 1977 5 Progress Drive Paget Mackay QLD 4740
Power Tools Plus (POWPAR) (02) 6863 5200 108 Forbes Road Parkes NSW 2870
Nepean Boltmaster P/L (NEPEAN) (02) 4722 3034 30-31 Lemko Place Penrith NSW 2749
Midcoast Fasteners (MIDCOA) (02) 6581 0110 Unit 4 / 28A Acacia Avenue Port Macquarie NSW 2444
NQ Fasteners & Lifting (NQFAST) (07) 4079 5700 32 Redden St Portsmith QLD 4870
Metfasteners (METPRE) (03) 9484 0577 63 Chifley Drive Preston VIC 3072
Specialised Service Tool - J W Fasteners (JWTOOL) (08) 8269 2588 Unit 3 / 81-83 Highbury Street Prospect SA 5082
J Blackwood & Son Ltd (BLAADE) (08) 8245 8600 3 Naweena Road Regency Park SA 5010
United Fasteners QLD Pty Ltd (UNITED) (07) 3375 7011 3/679 Boundary Road Richlands QLD 4074
Cost Less Bolts & Industrial Supplies P/L (COSTRI) (03) 9879 5233 13 Molan Street Ringwood VIC 3134
Boltmasters Pty Ltd (BOLROC) (07) 4922 8580 76 Hollingsworth Street Rockhampton QLD 4701
Bolts & Industrial Salisbury (BOLSAL) (07) 3277 6944 5 Project Street Salisbury QLD 4107
J Blackwood & Son Ltd (BLASCO) (03) 8756 8222 1 Caribbean Drive Scoresby VIC 3179
Ultimate Fasteners (ULTSHE) (03) 5822 4122 17A Mitchell St Shepparton VIC 3630
Cedray Pty Ltd (CEDAUB) (02) 9648 5666 81 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128
L M Fasteners (LMFAST) (02) 9757 4367 Unit 3/64 Hassall Street Smithfield NSW 2164
Bolt Barn Lismore (BOLTBA) (02) 6621 9090 183 Union Street South Lismore NSW 2480
PMB Engineering Supplies (PMBENG) (02) 9833 2222 Unit 1/12 Severn St St Marys NSW 2770
Fix and Fasten Pty Ltd (FIXFAS) (03) 9362 6000 33 Spencer Street Sunshine West VIC 3020
Carohn & Company (CAROHN) (02) 6552 5894 Grey Gum Road Taree NSW 2430
Atom Express (ATOTHO) (03) 9463 7000 292 Settlement Road Thomastown VIC 3074
A B Bolts & Nuts Wholesale (ABBOLT) (03) 9459 9000 14 Wood Street Thomastown VIC 3074
CDA Eastland Trade Supplies P/L (CDATUG) (02) 4351 0315 13/1 Reliance Drive Tuggerah NSW 2259
Fast Serve (FASTSE) (02) 4351 2811 4/32 Gavenlock Road, Tuggerah NSW 2258
Boltmasters Pty Ltd (BOLTUL) (03) 9338 2066 6/1 Barrie Road Tullamarine VIC 3043
The Metric Men (METRIC) (03) 9330 1007 Unit 6-188 Keilor Park Drive Tullamarine VIC 3043
K.J Bolts Trade Fasteners P/L (KJBTWE) (07) 5524 3919 35 Machinery Drive Tweed Heads NSW 2486
Border Bolts & Fasteners P/l (BORDEN) (07) 5513 1055 12 Tierney Place Tweed Heads South NSW 2486
Illawarra Fasteners Pty Ltd (ILLAWA) (02) 4272 7113 33 Waverly Drive Unanderra NSW 2526
Nuts Bolts Screws Aust T/A Fastbolt Aust (FASTBO) (07) 3209 3277 Unit 2 / 63 Parramatta Road Underwood QLD 4114
Allfix Fasteners (ALLUND) (07) 3290 1466 Unit 1 Compton Court Underwood QLD 4127
Bolt-Pro Pty Ltd (BOLTPR) (07) 5593 6670 1-5 Crown Court Varsity Lakes QLD 4227
Bolts & Industrial Supplies (BOLVIR) (07) 3865 6944 7 Pritchard Road Virginia QLD 4014
Suncoast Bolts & Fasteners (SUNCOA) (07) 5493 4511 2/19 Production Avenue Warana QLD 4575
Warwick Industrial Supplies (NORWAR) (07) 3129 0780 1 Project St Warwick QLD 4370
Bearfast (BEARFA) (02) 6765 4822 50 Barnes Street West Tamworth NSW 2340
United Fasteners SA Pty Ltd (UNIWIN) (08) 8360 4622 Gate 2, Door 2 Wingfield SA 5013
J. Blackwood & Son Limited (BLAWIN) (08) 8984 4255 98 Reichardt Rd Winnellie NT 0821
Ultimate Fasteners Wodonga (ULTWOD) (02) 6024 6688 8 Mores Court Wodonga VIC 3690
The Nut and Bolt Factory (NUTGAB) (07) 3393 0303 22 Deshon Street Woolloongabba QLD 4102
The Nut & Bolt Factory (NUTYAT) (07) 3489 9999 9 Gassman Drive Yatala QLD 4207
Douglas Fasteners ( DOUGLA ) (07) 3382 7750 24/42 Burnside Road Yatala QLD 4207